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Food processor

Kenwood Food Processor FDM307SS

Oh guys so just we have unboxed all the
accessories and the parts of this juicer 
food processor so apparently when confused how to assemble them okay we
have to just refer to the manual and 
just for you is I'm gonna show you the four main categories of these parts of
this food processor so basically we are 
having this main power unit and then we are having this first item our first
made function is the blender jug for 
fruit juices and other things omid shakes second main part is a multi
meal which is sort of a small grinder 
for spices and things like that sources third main part is centrifugal
juicer quite famous for carrot juice 
apple juice and so on here we are with the four fourth main part of this
processing unit obviously it's a 
combination of all of them and depends on your requirements when I use them so
we call it as a ball with all those 
attachments so as we have seen power unit render multi-male centrifugal juice
user and then this ball with all 
attachments so what these attachments really do is I mean I can just count
them one by one so that it's maybe 
easier for you okay before going into videos of these attachments.

Let me show or let me give you an idea 
about how all those three items work so it's quite simpler it's very simple you
just just step to install these jugs and 
blender jog and multi main and producer on top of this power unit
on clockwise direction and always make 
sure to click sound which is as per I mean quite standard practice for all of
this providing users so once you hear a 
click sound which means that it's perfectly installed and it's ready for use
so apart from those three items when it 
comes to use this ball with all these attachments very first thing you need to
do is to use this shaft detachable shaft 
first needs to be stall here then you are going to install this jug on top of
that obviously with a click sound on the 
right side and then you are ready to use any of those attachments once you fill
those attachments you have to use this 
top cover of this jug so it's easier for use so let's give you a demo before we
go into details of how these - pants and 
functionalities really work let me give you a brief idea about these attachments.

Like three of them are slicing discs or 
bread writing this so I mean we are having two functions on each side of
this just this one on one side we are 
having larger size I think it's 4 mm and 2 mm sighs I mean
one of them this one is for a moment 
second one is 2 mm and this one is you know different types of grating
functions we have we are having slicer 
on this side we are having a grating function so these discs can be used as
slices as well as graters this one is 
used for citrus juicer whisk theater a chopper with nice and
with plastic knives we are having on 
dough to all of them they will work only with this bomb this video let me show
you the demo of this jug or blender with 
a pole setting first you're having to manual process to speeds tents
second one is to speed 
here we are with the second option which is a multi mill grinder
what they recommend here is do not keep 
this moving for more than 60 seconds in
a row I mean you have to be very careful 
try to use pulse function with a short intervals of time and this is with the
ball we have used a plastic tool inside 
plastic dough tool so guys in this video we are going to
record a demo for centrifugal juice 
extractor and this is a another good option of Kenwood so let's get started
and let's see how it goes so I am going 
to make juice so as we can see that it's pretty much
easier to clean very smart design so we 
can easily remove this mentor this plastic circle from this module it's
quite easy to clean so how it goes 
insert in this video we are going to try there citrus juicer function let's see
so in this video we are going to check 
the slicer function or also the grater function so as we can see that the
cutter is being installed we have to use 
this pole and there are two sides of this cutter now we are using the slicer
function for slicer function obviously 
the cutter should be on the upper side well the greater side should be on the
bottom side whereas if you would like to 
use them as greater or chopper we need to switch them upside down so that 
should be having chopper set on the 
upper side so let's see how it work
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